Windows 7

The Best Free Softwares For Windows that Everyone Should Install

Most of the Good things in life are free and this is also true in case of the software world.Recently, I tested many different...

Make Your Computer Welcome You at Windows Startup

If you use to watch Hollywood Sci  -Fi movies, you must saw a scene in which the computer welcomes the user by speaking his...

Running IIS and Apache On the same Server

This article will help you to you to configure Apache and Internet Information Server(IIS), so that you can run each of these simultaneously on...

How to Change Log on screen in Windows 7 Without any software

If you are bored of seeing same window screen again and again when you log on into your windows 7 pc , then you...

How to Create Bootable USB Drive and install windows from it

 A bootable USB drive is a very handy tool. It allows for much faster install than from cd/dvd drive(personal testing showed about 25% less...

How to transfer data between two laptops using connector cable(RJ-45 connector)

Usually we use pen drives or CD/DVD drives to transfer data between two PC's.But sometimes  we do not have a pen drive or data...

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