windows tricks

Windows 8 store is not Connecting to Internet[Solved] :How to Fix This

Yesterday I decided to update my windows 8 pro to Windows 8.1.For this I need to open Windows 8 store because Microsoft is providing...

How to Disable the Lock Screen And Login Screen in Windows 8

 If you are using windows 8 operating system ,then you are already aware that while booting windows 8,there are two screens pop up before...

How to Change Log on screen in Windows 7 Without any software

If you are bored of seeing same window screen again and again when you log on into your windows 7 pc , then you...

How to Create Bootable USB Drive and install windows from it

 A bootable USB drive is a very handy tool. It allows for much faster install than from cd/dvd drive(personal testing showed about 25% less...

How to transfer data between two laptops using connector cable(RJ-45 connector)

Usually we use pen drives or CD/DVD drives to transfer data between two PC's.But sometimes  we do not have a pen drive or data...

Change windows 7 password even you do not know current password

If you do not have access to a account in windows 7 , then you can change the password of a user without knowing...

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